Ionic Detox Foot Bath

 remove toxins and promote healing

Detox your body with a relaxing foot bath.

Here at Foundations Wellness, we use the IonCleanse® by AMD to help detox the body from harmful toxins and heavy metals. It’s a relaxing experience, where you soak your feet in an ionic foot bath. Studies have shown and proven its effectiveness to significantly detox from heavy metals and other environmental toxins. This detoxification allows the cells of the body to repair and operate more effectively. It is safe and relaxing for both children and adults.


I once blamed my arthritis pain on age but since starting the detox foot baths, my pain has almost completely gone away.

“When I first came to Foundations Wellness in the spring of 2017, I was complaining of lower back pain, pain in the joints of my fingers, swelling, and plantar fasciitis. They started me on the Ion Cleanse detox treatments once per week and within a very short time, my pains had much improved while some even went away completely!”

– D.N.

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