What is EMF and why is there growing concern and activism around 5 G and wireless radiation?
I would have never believed it was an issue unless I had come across legitimate peer reviewed
science around it several years back. And what I was learning was alarming. It is raising cancer
rates, especially in children, and aging all of us faster. IT is creating heart and nerve/brain issues
in some. There is no doubt scientifically that it is increasing oxidative stress in our bodies.

Oxidative stress is the root of all disease. Doctors and scientists have testified before congress
about this. The Children‘s health defense organization just won a lawsuit against the FCC for
failing to set up regulation around the wireless industry to keep us all safe. But still, nothing
changes. If anything we are being sold more and more wireless devices that are known toxins
and carcinogens
. And we are oblivious.

How can a society who is exposing themselves and their children to dangerous levels of 24/7 radiation be so completely unaware and apathetic about it?

I think the problem is that no one can see it or necessarily feel it. We will fight something that
we can see or feel some immediate negative effect from. We will also fight something that we
see being presented in the media over and over. We will join the crowd. But if no one is talking
about it in the media for financial reasons, your doctor doesn’t mention it, and everyone
around you is blissfully unaware- do you go against the flow and fight something that no one
can see or feel the effects of? It’s a tough battle for sure. But what if the thousands of
scientists, health experts and doctors who see the danger in this constant ocean of EMF we are
all bathing in daily are right? What if public health is truly suffering over this RIGHT NOW?
It’s a tough subject for sure.

Here are some common sense things you can do to protect
yourself and your family from the damaging effects of wireless radiation


We cannot do anything about the towers emitting all around us, but we can do something about our own
devices emitting constant radiation upon ourselves and our children.

  1. Your cell phone- get an EMF shielding case 
    These cases block the emissions one way. So keep the blocking side facing your body and the emitting side facing away from yourself. This is especially important for men carrying their phones in their pockets. Studies show the reduction of sperm motility and quality due to cell phone radiation. ((Read more HERE)) 
  2. Blue Tooth enabled earbuds, watches etc. Blue tooth emits a VERY HIGH level of radiation and you should keep it turned off the vast majority of the time. Only use bluetooth devices when you absolutely need them! Used wired ear buds and keep Apple watches on air plane mode. When I have used my EMF meter to measure the intensity of radiation being put off by devices the Apple Watch and blue tooth enabled devices are BY FAR the most extreme.
    There is absolutely NOT ONE non industry sponsored study showing that any of these devices is safe, but there are more and more evidence emerging all the time showing they are NOT SAFE. Heart palpitations, POTS symptoms, tinnitus, and many other heart and brain symptoms that are
    mysterious in nature are emerging with the over saturation of devices emitting radiation.

    1. Smart Meters, wi fi routers , smart TV’s and other appliances, and Alexa devices in the home. No other generation has ever needed or used these types of radiation emitting devices. We are a grand social experiment with all of this. And the “ smarter” we get, the more we are setting ourselves and our children up for cancers, autoimmune diseases and neurological diseases of all sorts. Limit your use of these products as much as possible. You can browse our selection of more EMF blocking devices HERE.


    1. DO YOUR HOMEWORK ! Don’t just trust the FCC who are in the back pockets of big tech and telecom industries. Look at unbiased research which does not have profit as its bottom line. ((Read more HERE))
      READ the research – there are thousands of peer reviewed studies demonstrating that the extremely high levels of EMF we are all living in is playing into much of today’s mysterious illnesses. Protect yourself and your family. Learn how to reduce your exposures.On a professional note- I have had multiple families I have worked with tell me that when they
      got rid of or turned off their wi fi routers and other smart devices at night, they slept better and
      felt better. Having these devices in your bedroom is an invitation for premature aging and sleep
      issues. These devices in infants bedrooms and cribs can interfere with their neurological
      development. Keeping them off while you are sleeping gives your body 8 solid hours or more to
      really rest and rejuvenate without all the oxidative stress caused by the radiation.
      An EMF superstore that I send people to for finding helps in the home is www.lessemf.com
      And if you need professional help to understand what is going on in your home I send clients to
      Lee Sagula.

      If you are working with me you know we scan you for EMF stress with Zyto. And we will talk
      about EMF in our sessions. If you would like to set up a time to talk to me about this subject call
      our office 513-301-7406.
